This will mostly hold reviews/reactions of manga, real books and scanlations, that I have read. 75% of which are yummy, yummy yaoi.
There will also be rants and raves about anime and life in general...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New manga

An officemate had to go and buy tickets for the 3D showing of Despicable Me during our lunch break. I went with him coz.... there was a bookstore near the movie theater!!!!

I got 5 manga.
1 yaoi
The third book released in the Gakuen Heaven series

2 bishie-licious
Bishie-ful Alice in Wonderland
I'm still in search of vol 2 of Alice....

Imagine the trouble you can get into in an ALL BOYS SCHOOL!
He just kept.... looking at me from the shelf! I couldn't help but buy it! I might get the whole series of 8 volumes.

1 Horror...

and 1.... uh.... just because it was released by Doki Doki (related to June and DMP manga)
love his eyes... and his abs
Tomorrow is manga day. There are no new yaoi this week... the one's scheduled this week were moved to next week. I am SOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to some of the manga that I hope will finally be released

  • Cafe Latte Rhapsody - I was fortunate enough to get the scanlation for this... it is just so cute!!! Funny that amazon says it's going to be released December... I hope not, I want this now! It's not that smutty, but I still want it...
  • Cool/Uncool - got the scans, liked it, even though it was another high school love thing... the story was still cute. I'll still get it. Must support the yaoi love!
  • Desire Sensibility - call center yaoi ^_^ . I got the scans, and it was nice and funny. 
  • Garden Sky - I dunno about this one coz no one scanned it... I already bought a manga that wasn't scanned and really really regretted it... OOOOOOOOOOOH! Same mangaka as Alcohol, Shirt and Kiss! I liked that manga! even if I don't remember the story right now...
  • Hey Class President vol 3, Kokusai finally realized he's in love with Kaga!!!
  • I want to bite - novel about a vampire! Art by Kawai Chigusa, she drew La Esperanca and Alice the 101st, I THINK I have this Alice manga too because it was released by Doki Doki, not sure though...
  • Love Potion - no scan, but I do have a few scans by the mangaka, Fujii Sakuya, and I liked them 
  • Mysterious Love - Zaou Taishi... no brainer... I'm getting it. I did get the scans and it's funny!
  • Your Love Sickness - I got the scans, but it wasn't complete! I'll FINALLY know how it'll end.
  • Finder - no link cause there was no picture, not just because I'm pissed that we're not getting it here in my country.......  *sulks* 
Those are all June... oh... cept for Hey Class Pres, it's released by 801.

I just saw Tyrant's amazon page... it says it hasn't been released yet... strange o.o

and finally.... a scanlation group just announced that they were served with a cease and desist by Libre... not a good sign :(

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