This will mostly hold reviews/reactions of manga, real books and scanlations, that I have read. 75% of which are yummy, yummy yaoi.
There will also be rants and raves about anime and life in general...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan quake

As everyone might have heard by now, an 8.9 quake hit Japan yesterday, March 11, 2011.

I've been watching a few videos on BBC, the ones on CNN came later and didn't want to play. They gave me goosebumps!

Watching that gigantic wave wash away Sendai, taking with it houses and cars, and most probably lives. No one knows how many lives were lost, no one will probably know the exact number of people that  have died. And will die.
There was one video where a car was stopped on a bridge on a river, who's water was slowly rising, with the rest of the tsunami water approaching. I wonder if the people in the car made it. The wave was already slowing down at that point, that's the way it appeared to me because it was taken from high above, I know I could be wrong.

I just watched another video showing the fires. And looked at some of the pictures.

It really scares me. The number of earthquakes lately have increased and have gotten stronger.
The Philippines, where I am, has also been hit with much smaller quakes lately, and we were included in the tsunami warning. The highest one was about 2 feet high.

It makes me remember the quake the Philippines had 20 years ago. I was in college (yes, I know I'm dating myself :p), but I didn't have classes on that day so it happened while I was watching TV. Watching the footage of the supermarket reminded me of how I felt that day... After all the shaking, we all laughed and joked around... Until we saw the footage of the damage done to Baguio city....
I had to thank my lucky stars, and my mom, for not allowing me to study in Baguio as I wanted. The school was a total wreck, and is now known to be haunted.

I pray that whatever diety exists pay special attention to Japan tonight and the next few days.

Oh, I heard on the radio yesterday that we had a 5.2 quake in Mindoro, a province here, the day before yesterday. I've been looking for an article of it in 2 of the bigger local network's websites. Apparently, it's not that big of  a deal for them, since I could find no mention of it... I hope no one got hurt there.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New manga, old order

So... the order I placed with amazon on January 10 finally arrived. 2 months.... All my excitement has waned...

I finally got my hands on Desire Sensibility. I am hoping that there are extras that weren't included in the scanlation
Yokubou Sensibility 

Black Winged Love, I've had this in my shopping cart for a while now, but it was out of stock for the longest time and now I finally have it. Those who love angsty stories will love this
Koi no Kokoro ni Kuroi Hane  

Finder series volumes 1 and 2. This series has a lot of yaoi fans abuzz, but I don't particularly like the story... I do like Fei Long though... volume 3 is supposed to come out next week

I wonder if the Undergrand Hotel vol 2 is the last of the series. One way to find out right?

Tyrant Who Falls in Love vol 1 is mine now. Volume 2 was available here, but vol 1 wasn't... Annoying, isn't it?
Koisuru Boukun  
Love is Like a Hurricane vol 3. Set almost complete... only volume 1 left to buy... I think o.o
Koi wa Itsumo Arashi no Youni  
There are 3 series that are finally complete.
Breath vol 5 - I can finally read the whole series!

S novel vol 4. This never made it to this country.... and was also unavailable in amazon for the looooooongest time... And now, it's here... and it's MINE!

and finally Yaoi Hentai vol 4. I was so looking forward to their final volume, but instead of going out with a bang, it was barely a squeak! The first story was ok, but the rest were too meh for me... Even Trach the Tentacle Monster didn't hold my interest much.

I should have bought Yaoi: Anthology vol 2 instead. I've had it in my shopping cart for a while too.

I wonder whatever happened to Zesty and Prince... it's annoying that Yaoi Press is kaput. THEY NEVER EVEN WENT ALL THE WAY!!!

The last item that I got from my order was the Limited Edition box of Kuroshitsuji season 1 part 1.
part 2 is already available! I will get it of course!

And that's it for now... *sneezes*