This will mostly hold reviews/reactions of manga, real books and scanlations, that I have read. 75% of which are yummy, yummy yaoi.
There will also be rants and raves about anime and life in general...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello... to whoever might be bored enough to read a blog by me ^_^

I was supposed to make the initial post when I first made the blog, but somehow this thing didn't want to work and I gave up, and I was too tired from work to do it during the week...

Anyway, here it is... my pride and joy... my manga collection... these pictures were taken about a year ago when I had 2 weeks off work and I was about to get buried if I didn't fix them. I am in that state again, but I'm still too lazy to fix the new manga I have lying all over the place... I will try to post updated pics of my manga when I get around to cleaning my room again...

stack front stack top1

box1 level1 box1 level2 box1 level3

box2 level1 box2 level2 box2 level3 box2 top1 box2 top2 box2 top3

small box level1 small box level2
The manga still spread around the small box were the ones that weren't lucky enough to make it into a box, they were placed on top of the boxes, and now they are with all the new manga I've bought since then

In the near future, I hope to post my reactions/reviews to manga I've read... I've been wanting to post about Calling (I love it!)
Calling Cover

and Scarlet (I love this one too!, even if there is a rape scene),
Scarlet cover

I wanted to post about Love!!, I was really pissed off when I read it, but I didn't want my first entry to be about something I didn't like...
Love!! cover
... this is why I love scanlations, so I don't regret spending money on something I will never read again, unless I'm desperate...

The pictures that I will be posting with my reviews will most probably come from scanlations, since I will not have the time nor the energy to look for the specific manga in the mountains of books in my room, unless they're a recent purchase...

oh... don't ask me for the scans of licensed manga, please buy them so that the companies would release more titles sooner, instead of dying out like BeBeautiful and Deux(Aurora) and DramaQueen.

So... that's it for now, and hopefully I'll be able to post more soon ^_^

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