Title: Calling
Mangaka: Otsuki Miu
Genre: Yaoi, Romance
Status: Licensed by BLU (their site isn't up to date, but you can view their previous releases)
Story: This is about a porn actor, Kira, and an office worker, Kazuaki. From how they met, how they finally became a couple, to eventually living together with snippets of their lives in between.
Though Kira does the initial chasing(stalking), any major change in their relationship was triggered by Kazuaki. Kira is exceptionally patient(and highly unusual for a seme in yaoi).
This is a really really romantic manga, so many situations that just give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside. My favorite was problaby when Kira had that flashback about a conversation with his high school classmate about first loves... it ended with "If my job is how I make my living... you're how I stay alive". If that doesn't make you feel all tingly, then I don't know what your heart is made of...
I know that this isn't much of a description of the story, but I don't really like giving out a lot of details. If you like a romantic, to the point of being cheesy, story then I strongly suggest you get yourself a copy of the manga.
the happy couple - Kazuaki and Kira |
Art: I love the art in this. The expressions on their faces are just wonderful. Kazuaki is blushing most of the time, which I find so adorable!
The love scenes are really erotic and just yummy. The way they kiss is just hot!
I have a thing for eyes... Otsuki sensei is really great at drawing those, there are a lot of close up of eyes in this manga, and this makes me a happy yaoi fangirl ^_^
the different faces of Kira |
Kira and Kazuaki chibi! |
the happy couple in chibi form |
Review: This has a good and relatively simple story. Pretty straightforward, no deep thinking required. I wouldn't mind a vol 2 to see how they're doing.
Censorship is a bit weird. Though their p*nises do vanish in some scenes, and their legs covered by a blanket on some others, in the first few chapters, I really didn't mind since it really wasn't that kind of a manga... and... Otsuki sensei made up for it in the last 2 chapters... YUMMY SMUTT!
I loved it when I read it as a scanlation, I loved it even more when I already had the manga in my hands...
I wish BLU left the "otsukare-sama" as is, "congratulations" doesn't seem to capture the meaning of the word sufficiently. I am happy that they've started printing the some of the colored pages when they increased their price.
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