This will mostly hold reviews/reactions of manga, real books and scanlations, that I have read. 75% of which are yummy, yummy yaoi.
There will also be rants and raves about anime and life in general...

Monday, February 28, 2011

This week's releases

Went to the store today and all 4 were actually going to be released!

Blue Sheep Reverie v3
Kizuna Deluxe v2
Love Syndrome
Then Comes Love
But wait! There's more!!! THREE more!!!
Maniac ni Aishite  

(murr... can't find a cover of vol 6! but I will post a pic when I do)
I'm still in search for volume 2!!!!

And Cold Fever novel. The third in the Cold novel series... 

First was Cold Sleep

then followed by Cold Light

I haven't been this excited about manga for a while now... And I do hope my package from amazon gets here this week!

I joined a contest by DMI... a collection contest!
Had I known about it sooner, I would have arranged all my manga in a way to show ALL of it, including the new ones. But since I didn't have time (I read about the contest on the last day for submission)... I had to use the last pictures I took of some of my manga when I actually had the time and was in the mood to fix them...

I know... I know... it's pretty lame... but it was the best that I could do at the last moment.
Oh, and they had a second deadline because there was a glitch with gmail (which of course I used to send them my entry). I only found out about this second deadline coz I had this (masochistic) itch to go to akadot retail to check out which manga they already have because they release manga 1 month ahead of everyone else... I accidentally clicked on the contest link... and that's when I read about the glitch and that the new deadline was again hours away, I think.... 
I hope that it did reach them on time. I still haven't gotten the confirmation email :(

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